Everyone has their own unique story about how they “fell into the mortgage business.” For NFM Branch Manager Oleg Tkach, it was more intentional than most. At 16 he got in to banking as a teller and worked his way up to loan officer by the age of 18. The rest, as they say, “is history.” Oleg is our September Top Producer, having closed 114 units in July alone.

Full Transcript is Below:

– Welcome into our Top Producer Series for the month of September and boy, do we have a big one. I’m your host, Greg Sher. We’re going all the way to the Pacific Northwest to welcome in one of the finest originators in the entire world, Oleg Tkach from Seattle, Washington, the Lynnwood area to be more specific. He closed 114 units in July for $45 million in mortgage volume just simply one of the best. Oleg, thank you for being with us here on NFM TV.

– Hey, thank you for having me and super stoked to be at this company

– Well, we feel the same way about you, for sure. Hasn’t always been easy obviously I would imagine transitioning such a large amount of volume is challenging. How long did that process take for you to kinda get over that hump and feel like you were cruising?

– Yeah, that’s a great question, you know, everybody goes into a transition expecting it to be easy, and I did the opposite with my team I came in and said, is this gonna be the hardest thing we went through, get ready to work extra hours, get ready to relearn systems and everything else. It was super successful, I mean you look back at the last four months, we’ve closed over $100 million since we got here. Not many people transitioning close 100 million in four months. So I just think it speaks to the company, us. It looks like we’re on track to break 300 million for the year, which is numbers I never thought I’d personally do when I got into the industry, which was when I was 18 years old. But yes, it’s a very exciting time for every one of us.

– So closing 114 loans in a month, what kind of machine do you have to be able to close that number of units?

– Yeah you mean, you’re only as good as the team behind you. I have a large team, that took me years and years and years to assemble. We never hire anybody just to hire somebody, I’m always looking for, four, five, 10 year employees. Somebody that I can really pour into and really making sure that I’m focusing on what I need to do, which is generate leads, reach out to my referral partners, everything else and on top of that, run the team and then, focusing on their job duties and everybody’s really good at what they do. It all just came together and it was a great month, but we’re very systematic, we follow a process we don’t deviate from the process and we trust that it’s gonna work.

– Well, It’s a perfect segue into coaching, which I know you’re a very firm believer and you are a member of The CORE, you are a CORE coach, CORE of course, the company operated by Rick Ruby. A lot of people in the mortgage business know that. And I wanna know Oleg, what kind of discipline The CORE taught you? And if you were to pitch somebody considering getting into coaching, why should they join The CORE?

– Yes, so first off The CORE is not for everybody. And the reason why I say that is because it’s gotta be a fit from both sides. The CORE is a company that, they get results. They are beyond phenomenal, Rick Ruby is brilliant. They’ll give you all the tools, tactics to succeed, but you gotta be in a position in your life and in your career that that’s what you want. I joined The CORE about seven years ago, the group of people that make up The CORE, the coaches, just they’re brilliant. When I started in The CORE, I was doing about 15 million a year in volume, And within a few years I was breaking 100 million, and yeah, it’s a phenomenal company.

– Are you still prospecting new agents at your level?

– Absolutely that’s something that is top of my list that will always be on the top of my list. Thing about agents is that they come and go, meaning that there’s some agents that try it out for a few years, they’re not serious about it, or they get burnt out by the business or something happens and they move on to a different originator. Always gonna be looking for that next referral partner.

– What’s a tactic that you can shed some light on for us?

– Absolutely best one is a TKO attacking the Tuesday update listing agent. So every single Tuesday we update everybody on our transactions that are purchased from the action specifically. And the listing agent is a perfect person where, all of a sudden is they have to talk to your team. They’re seeing how your team performs, as long as you’re communicating to them, which especially right now, very few people are, it’s a layup for when you get docs out early and you impress them to get in front of them. I mean there’s no reason why they shouldn’t meet with you.

– Last question for you, in the face of the craziest refi boom we’ve ever seen, how are you making sure you don’t take your eye off the agent ball, what kind of systems are you putting in place to make sure you don’t skip a beat?

– Yeah I mean, this is where you really have to be disciplined with your time, and you have to have your agent’s strategy in place with how you’re gonna take care of your agents. And right now it’s not like it’s crazy what you have to do. You just have to be able to deliver. You’ve gotta deliver super fast for your approvals, close on time. If I’m not spending the right time, growing our agents, loving on our agents, making sure that our agents are taken care of, helping them win deals, helping calling on the leads with them. If I’m not doing that, they understand that this all goes away. It’s definitely something that a lot of loan officers are gonna make a big mistake on, moving forward or they’re already making that mistake right now and I still think there’s time to correct, but I think that window is probably gonna be closing in the next few months in my opinion.

– Wow, this was great, we really appreciate your time, Oleg Tkach from Linwood, Washington, not far from Seattle, we really appreciate your time, we’re so happy you’re in the NFM family of lenders right now. You’ve only been here as you said, five months, you’re already heading to 300 million in annual production. Just so happy you picked NFM and appreciate your time.

– Hey, thank you for having me great, appreciate it.

– That’s Oleg Tkach, Branch Manager for NFM lending in the Northwest, he is our top producer. You can see why for the month of September. Hope you’ve enjoyed this, we’ll see you again soon.