One of the things we pride ourselves on here at NFM is providing our employees with opportunities for growth. In this month’s episode of our new series “Through the Ranks”, we spotlight Disclosure Desk Manager, Travis Green, who has seen his career blossom in just a few short years.

Full Transcript is Below:

– Hi, my name is Travis Green. I’m the Disclosure Desk Manager here at NFM Lending. I’ve worked for NFM for four years. Coming to NFM, I was actually a Loan Officer very briefly, for about eight months. I was looking for a change where I wanted to dive into operations. I was hired as a Pre-Closer Analyst in the Closing Department. Since then, two years later, I was promoted to Disclosure Desk Team Lead. And then most recently, this past June, I was promoted again to Disclose Desk Manager. My role as Disclosure Desk Manager is to oversee all the disclosures at NFM. We handle initial disclosures, any revised disclosures, any revised loan estimates, and any revised closing disclosures. And then I also oversee our Quality Assurance Department. So a disclosure is a document that a borrower will get when they start a loan application. So once the Loan Officer completes the borrower’s loan application, and triggers that application to Disclosure Desk, at that point, the borrower is going to receive a set of disclosures and each disclosure follows the CFPB guidelines, the federal mortgage guidelines, and even there’s state laws that we have to follow. So there’re state disclosures that the borrower has to receive. So there’s a lot of different disclosures that they’re going to receive throughout the process as the loan moves through and gets to closing. We currently have 14 team members. It’s definitely been an adjustment in these times, but everyone has really done a great job of adjusting to the change in our process of how we’re doing our disclosure, and then also how we’re adjusting to working remotely. It’s been amazing to come to a place that truly appreciates their employees for their hard work, the culture itself, knowing that the company wants to raise up their talent and keep talent in the building. I’ve always felt greatly appreciated here. Well, the growth here has been amazing. It’s been very fast, but at a pace that I think has been manageable and it’s been an amazing ride and I’m looking forward to continue seeing the company grow and continue to grow with it.