Moving from Loan Officer Assistant to Processor, Amanda Sorenson recognized the need for consistent training for all new processors like herself. She went to management with the idea of a Division Processing Trainer role, which she developed and is now implementing. In the latest installment of Through the Ranks, hear how Sorenson is such a firm believer in the Main Street Way that she has dedicated her career to teaching it.

Full Transcript is Below:

– My name is Amanda Sorensen and I am the Division Processing Trainer at Main Street Home Loans. I joined Main Street in February of 2019 as a Loan Officer Assistant for the Silver Spring branch. In that role I was dealing more on the origination and sales side. So helping set up files, pre-qualifications, things like that. In the refi boom of 2020, I was given the opportunity to become a processor. And that is on the operations side. So I was able to work with clients directly, put the pieces of the puzzle together for their file, and prepare the files for underwriting. Toward the end of 2020, I transitioned to my current role as the Division Processing Trainer. I work with newly hired processors to get them onboard and teach them how to process the Main Street way. I also work with the processors who were hired during 2020 who maybe didn’t have the opportunity for one-on-one training. I have been working with the head of underwriting, Chris Bell on some cross-department training to create a more efficient system between processing and underwriting. In 2020, due to the growth of the company, we were hiring a lot of new processors, and I really saw the need for a designated processing trainer to get all those people up and running and processing in the Main Street way. So I put a plan together and I went and spoke with management and said this is what I want to do and this is how I think it will benefit the company as a whole. I think one of the unique and amazing things about Main Street is that there are always opportunities for growth. I think the executive team has created this company with a culture where really everybody has a voice. If you want to do something that’s not really the role that you’re in right now, I think that we’re able to go talk to management and say, hey, this is something I want to do. And then they will listen and talk out, you know, what does that look like, and how are you going to get there? My next goal at Main Street is to expand training to cover all the departments. Right now we have training for processors but I would love to extend that out to the sales staff, underwriting, closing, so that everybody has that resource, whether they are seasoned or brand new. And I think that it will be super helpful to have consistency and everybody on board with the Main Street way.