In this episode of “My Voice Matters,” we are excited to spotlight Raphael Jordan, our new Inclusion, Diversity & Engagement Advocate. Tune into see how his passion for diversity & inclusion has shaped his goals for the future betterment of the NFM Lending Family.

Full Transcript is Below:

– Hello. My name is Raphael Jordan, and I am the Inclusion, Diversity & Engagement Advocate here at NFM Lending. And my goal is provide inclusion and belonging for all of our teammates. I am extremely passionate about youth development, whether it’s through professional development or life mentoring, there are so many future leaders that need some guidance and someone that can show them that they can be somebody and make a difference in this world. Many times our youth need someone in their corner to guide them and be their support system. In my spare time, I also try to volunteer at local food banks with friends and family, and I’m passionate about children receiving the proper food to nourish and grow. Here at NFM, my voice matters as my goal is to provide a perspective to drive innovation within our industry. Diversity, Equity & Inclusion expands much further than just the way someone looks or their ethnicity. My voice will be creating a sense of belonging for our teammates to help drive inclusive process and to bring operational effectiveness within our key businesses. My voice will continue to make every effort to eliminate barriers of entry for first-generation home ownership, with the goal to close the generational wealth gap and attract key talent to our ever growing industry in the near future.