You’ve been approved for a mortgage. Congratulations! Here’s a checklist of items to help get you to the finish line smoothly and easily, and also a few things to avoid.

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– You’ve applied for a mortgage. Congratulations on taking the first step to home ownership. Here’s a short list of do’s and don’ts to make sure you close on your new home quickly and easily. Do: have access to important financial documents like pay stubs and bank statements; Make sure earnest money, the good faith deposit you give to the seller at the time of contract approval, is from your personal bank account or a lender approved gift fund; Let your loan originator know of any recent job change, such as a raise, promotion, or other change in pay status; Finally, if you are selling your current home, keep track of all documentation from the sale. Don’t: open bank accounts or transfer funds between accounts without informing your loan originator; Deposit money outside of automatic payroll deposits; Change jobs, this could impact your loan qualification; Make big purchases, like a car, major appliances, or furniture; Open any new lines of credit like student loans, or credit cards. Keep in mind that your credit may be pulled again prior to closing, to ensure nothing has changed. With this list of do’s and don’ts, you’re well on your way to a smooth mortgage process.